How to Play
Rescue all the lost ducklings in the lake! Simply get close to them, and they will obediently follow you back to the nest. Bringing a group of ducklings home is the most heartwarming sight!
How to Upgrade Your Nest
Once you reach the target number of rescued ducklings, your nest will automatically upgrade into a bigger duck mansion. Repeat the "rescue + upgrade" process until your nest becomes the legendary "Duck Fortress"!
Dangers Everywhere
Don't let your "duck life winner" dreams be shattered! Aside from rescuing ducklings, you also need to watch out for other "scheming" ducks. They won't hesitate to "borrow" your precious ducklings! Worse yet, those boats in the lake speed like race cars, and if you're not careful, you'll get hit, and your duck life will be GAME OVER!
How to Play for Free
Simply head to PIGame to enjoy the free, no-download, no-install version of Ducklings on PC, the web version of Ducklings, or Ducklings on mobile and tablet!